Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Post 5:
-In Rai Ki Wai we have a pesident.
-The president is voted by the people.
-We have a constitution and bill of rights. crimes are took to courts, and even the president.
-If crimes are comitted some are punishable by death.
-We have patrol people that patrol all the time.
-Some people serve in prisons.
-Mentally challenged people serve in a home where they are challenged and helped.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Post 4: 
In Rai Ki Wai family is very important. You are allowed as many people in your family as you want. You can have big families. No slavery and segregation allowed though. All races have to stay with the same races within households. Other than that they can meet and mingle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Post 3:

This artwork symbolizes peace and nurture, which is valued in Rai Ki Wai.
Sreet art is called utopian beacause it expresses feelings, and emotions, and symbolizes something perfect.
Post 2:
-Style in Rai Ki Wai is quite expanded. There aren't many issues with clothing. Some following restrictons are: no trashy clothes, you can't look like a hooker,and no inappropriate clothing shall be permitted.  
-You have all your rights untill you comit a crime, or violate your rights.
-You are allowed to live your life your way.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Haley's Utopian Island is a wonderful place to be.
Daily Life: kids are required to go to school until the age of 17, then they have a choice whether to finish, or to go to their job.
-Jobs are chosen based on how many people can work there. You can do any job you want until all the positions are filled for the job. 
-At the age of 20 young adults inherit 20,000 dollars to their bank accounts, and are free to spend it how they would like.
-Luxurious beaches, clean water,great hotels, this Island is a great vacation spot.  
-Doctors are free, no charge added. Elders retire from the world and are put in a wonderful island retreat home, with the finest food and workers you can get.